


학술대회명 2016 국제심포지움 (한국 동국대, 제주대, 필리핀 SMC, 일본 Shizuoka Uni. 공동연구 개최)
개최기간 2016.05.16~17.
장소 동국대 만해관 B207
The International Grant Program of Toyota Foundation Seoul Symposium:
Enable Kids : Enabling Children in Migration
Policies and Programs : Focus on the Philippines, Japan and South Korea

The international Grant of

Toyota Foundation Seoul Symposium


Enable Kids : Enabling Children in Migration Policies and Programs : Focus on the Philippine, Japan and South Korea


1. Seoul Symposium

Date : 2016. 5. 16(Tue) ~ 2016. 5. 17(Wed)

Location : Dongguk University MyeongJin-Guan 207 classroom

The Host/Supervision : Philippine, SMC / Dongguk University

The Sponsor : Toyota Foundation

Research Period : 2015. 10 - 2016. 10. 30

First Symposium : Manila : SMC / Manila Univ. March 27-31

Second Symposium : Seoul : SMC / Dongguk Univ. May 16

Third Symposium : Japan SMC / Shizuoka Univ. Sept. 25-28


2. Research Supervision

Research Supervision/Participation : Philippine, SMC

Dr. Maruja Asis, Fr. Graziano, Philippine, SMC

Research Participation

Korea : Dr. Yangsun Kim, Jeju Children's Psychology Counseling Center

Dr. Eun-Sook Seo, Dongguk Univ. Korea

Phd. candidate. Jeong Ae Seo, Dongguk Univ. Korea

Phd. candidate. Do Hyeok Woo, Dongguk Univ. Korea

M. A. Angelica Alyssa S. Dizon Dongguk Univ. Korea

Japan : Dr. Itaru Nagasaka : Hiroshima Univ. Korea

Dr. Sachi Takahata : Shizuoka Univ. Korea

Fr. Edwin Corros


Department of International & Multicultural Studies

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04626 서울특별시 중구 퇴계로 36길 2 동국대학교 충무로영상센터 신관 218호 Tel. 02-2272-2013(연구소)/2017(사회통합프로그램) E-mail. imi2013@dgu.ac.kr
